It’s exciting times for us, renaming from Pursuit Advisers to Blueprint4. Although switching names is never entirely simple, in the right circumstances, it’s entirely worth it.
So why Blueprint4?
We think it’s the soundest reflection of what our business is about.
If you think of a blueprint as a holistic plan that guides you to build something [great] ground-up, that speaks volumes for what we do. We are your blueprint for building a successful business.

Not just another tax accountant
Often, we’re recognised in the community as accountants and tax advisers. And it’s true – we are trusted Warragul accountants and tax advisers.
But we’re more than this, too. We’re focused on helping small business owners grow their businesses successfully and sustainably.
At Blueprint4, we’re also business coaches and planners. Our leadership team has comprehensive business expertise it has developed in industries including agriculture, professional services, manufacturing, retail, Internet, and building and construction.
Since our inception in 2014, we have been fortunate to have had amazing opportunities to form relationships with regional Victorian business owners. Many clients we service are often thinking about planning a future for their families. Many are working towards early retirement or business exit strategies. Many seek out small business accountants for business advisory expertise.
We are a well-rounded team supporting you in running your businesses smoothly and profitably without compromising your lifestyle outside of your businesses.
Business advisory is an important focus for Blueprint4, as it enables us to share our well-rounded set of knowledge, skills, and experience with the Warragul community and local region.
Our small business services help you achieve your business goals
The main services Blueprint4 offers are business advisory, taxation, bookkeeping, and self-managed superannuation.
Business advisory: We guide you on the road to long-term achievements such as scaling your businesses and increasing your wealth. We show you why there’s no need to sacrifice your lifestyle to make it happen.
Taxation: Clients choose our small business accountants for tax returns, activity statements, tax compliance and management, and financial reporting.
Bookkeeping: Our qualified team can take care of your business accounts and books, so you can dedicate more time to growing your business.
Superannuation: Our dedicated service supports all your self-managed superannuation fund accounting needs, from set-up to tax time.
The Blueprint4 advantage for your business
In NAB’s Key Insights Australian Accounting Industry Survey, respondents rated accountants as the most important professional services providers for all SMEs. Survey respondents also rated accountants as the most trusted business advisers for SMEs.
We want to continue to succeed as the Warragul advisers our clients turn to for a full suite of accounting and business advisory services.
When we engage new clients, it’s with a view to nurturing long-term relationships. This is because we want to see your business affairs as a business partner rather than a once-off transactional service provider.
The way we look at it, good business services advisers stay in families for generations. They guide your business end-to-end and set you up for future success, especially if success means building your business around your life and not the other way around.
Why we do what we do
We’re a locally-focused business. We work in the community we support, and we have relationships with large numbers of local businesses and clients. When we contribute to the success of businesses in the Warragul community and surrounding region, we see how successful businesses positively affect the entire community and region. That’s especially gratifying.
Providing advice and support to help you succeed is our profession, but it’s our passion too. We’ve seen firsthand the impact strategic planning can have on a business but also on life outside of business. This is because we’ve implemented these strategies ourselves; we practice what we preach.